Schools Printed Music Licence (SPML)
The majority schools in the UK are covered by the SPML.

The Schools Printed Music Licence allows schools to make copies and arrange printed music from either a physical book of music or purchased pdf that has been printed. From April 2024, the SPML has been extended to allow for the digital copying of music for all schools in England and some individually licensed schools. To find out more information about what is allowed or whether your school is covered click for further information.
Schools are licensed in one of these ways:
● England : State schools and academies are licensed under a central agreement between PMLL and the Department for Education.
● Independent Schools in England and Wales are licensed by CEFM (Centre for Education and Finance Management)
● Scotland : State schools are licensed under a central agreement between PMLL and the Scottish Government. Independent schools are licensed through the Scottish Council for Independent Schools.
● Wales : Schools are licensed through Local Authorities or on a school by school basis by CEFM.
● Northern Ireland : Schools are licensed under a central agreement between PMLL and The Education Authority.
The SPML is administered on behalf of PMLL by the Centre for Education Finance and Management (CEFM) and you can find more information on the CEFM website.
The Every Copy Counts campaign is helping to raise awareness of the SPML and to help teachers comply with the terms of the licence by logging data on the music that is being copied/arranged. Visit Every Copy Counts to find out about the campaign, guidance on how to log data, and about the suite of free learning materials and resources available to teachers as a ‘thank you’ for submitting data.
Under the SPML teachers and other school staff can:
● Make photocopies and scans of printed music (including pdf’s of music acquired from a legitimate website);
● Use score-writing software programs to arrange printed music;
● Make notations by hand on copies of printed music;
● Upload scans of music to a’ Virtual Learning Environment or similar secure network.
The terms of the SPML requires teachers and other school staff to follow certain conditions:
● As requested, provide information about the printed music copied for use by PMLL;
● Copies must be made only by teachers/school staff;
● Schools must own an original;
● The number of copies made must be equal to or less than the number of pupils in the class;
● No copies can be used for private individual or vocal teaching;
● Only 10% of the items in anthologies or large vocal scores may be copied;
● Copies must be for school purposes only (i.e. not for private use or use in other activities).
Schools cannot copy publications specifically excluded from the SPML, they are published on the Excluded Works List.
The full terms and conditions of the Schools Printed Music Licence.
It is important that schools report data on what has been copied and arranged under the licence. The licence fees that PMLL collects are distributed to publishers who then pay the composers and writers of the works used. In order to ensure that they are correctly paid we ask you to report what songs/works you have copied under the licence. PMLL has built a portal where you can quickly and easily report what you have copied or arranged. Once you have created an account you can use the simple data submission tool to submit information on what you have used.

SPML Frequently Asked Questions
Please note that the following information on copyright is intended as a guide only. The information is not a comprehensive statement of the law and is not intended to constitute legal advice
Any school that wants to make copies or arrangements of printed music should apply for the licence. As music is part of the national curriculum, it is unlikely a school does not use printed music at some stage. Schools in England, Northern Ireland and Scotland already have a licence paid for by the government departments. The licence is not compulsory – a school can continue to seek permission from the particular music publisher directly every time they wish to copy an item of printed music. However, having a licence saves time and money for the majority of schools.
The SPML is only available to schools providing general education to students aged between 4 and 18. It does not cover Saturday music schools, Further Education colleges, 6th Form colleges, Higher Education colleges or specialist music schools held outside normal school hours like Rock School or Stagecoach.
For activities taking place at Music Services/Hubs that are not covered by the SPML a Music Service Licence is available. For more information on the Music Service Licence content contact [email protected]
If you are a state school in England, Scotland and Northern Ireland you automatically have a Licence because of a central deal the Printed Music Licensing Limited organisation has with the Department for Education (England), Scottish Government and Education Authority (Northern Ireland).
In Wales there is no central agreement and schools are licensed through a Local Authority or on a school by school basis. Licences for schools in Wales are administered by the Centre for Education and Finance Management (CEFM).
Independent Schools in England and Wales are also licensed individually by CEFM.
If you are an independent school, or a state school in Wales, please contact CEFM [email protected] to find out if your school has a licence.
Independent schools in Scotland are covered through a central agreement with SCIS (Scottish Council for Independent Schools). Please contact PMLL to check whether your school is included within this agreement.
The licence for the majority of schools is paid through a central arrangement with Government. Some schools are licensed through a Local Authority or on an individual basis. When PMLL distributes the revenue to publishers it will make a charge to non-MPA members (PMLL is owned by the MPA) to recover its costs. The administration charge is currently 10%
No. The licence was introduced to reduce the burden for schools. It means they don’t have to contact individual publishers to apply for permission each time they want to copy from a printed publication.
Yes. You already have the licence which gives you a range of benefits. You do need to enter data to comply with the terms and conditions of the licence. The process is simple and easy, and helps music creators to get paid!
The data collection programme for the SPML is now called Every Copy Counts, and is managed by Abigail D’Amore Associates. Visit the Every Copy Counts website to learn how you can easily and accurately submit your data, or go straight to the PMLL portal here.
PMLL collects data on what works have been copied and arranged under the licence in order to be able to pay the right people. Monies collected in licence fees are distributed to publishers members, who in turn pay the composer / songwriter of that music.
The data you enter needs to be accurate and complete to be accurate and complete to be viable. The Every Copy Counts team is there to help and support you navigate this process. By submitting data you are playing a vitally important part in the overall ecology of music creation!
Copy can be taken to mean any of the following: photocopying, scanning, notation by hand, printing, digitising a printed original using notation software or scanning, making arrangements, scanning and uploading to a Virtual Learning or school network, or sharing music on a whiteboard.
Any printed music publication that the school owns or pdf it has purchased from a website (as long as it is from a legitimate source).
Entire works can be copied unless it is an:
- Anthology or large vocal score where there is a limit of 10% on the items that can be copied (ie. one out of 10 pieces, or one out of 10 movements, not 10 pages from a 100-page anthology).
Examples of anthologies include Carols for Choirs, Handel’s ‘Messiah’, Karl Jenkins ‘The Armed Man’, Beatles Complete, Hits of the Year. - Publications specifically listed on the exclusion list which you can find here.
The SPML does not exist to replace the purchasing of printed music, therefore if you wanted to photocopy more than 10% of an anthology or large vocal score, you should purchase another copy.
- Copies may be used for school purposes only.
- Copies may not be made for private individual instrumental or vocal teaching.
- Copies cannot be lent or hired out.
- Copies may not be used in collective worship. Licences for that purpose are available from Christian Copyright Licensing International(CCLI) (See What’s the difference between the SPML and other licences?)
- Arrangements must not change the character of the work and they should only be made for the practical purposes of making the work performable by the school’s instrumental and vocal groups.
- The lyrics may not be changed in any way.
- Schools should not use the SPML to avoid purchasing printed music under any circumstances.
The purpose of the arrangement aspect of the SPML is to help teachers solve a problem with a work that is needed to be performed. Changes of key or simple changes of instrumentation, to make the musical work performable for the instrumental or vocal resources available is allowed.
However, arrangements that fundamentally transform the nature of the work are not allowed. Individual permission with publishers should be sought if a greater creative expansion of the music is required. You can find out how to contact the publisher of the work you wish to arrange by contacting the Music Publishers Association ([email protected]). They may only be used by the licensee and not shared with teachers from other schools. Ownership of any Arrangement made under this Licence is automatically assigned to the owner of the Musical Work arranged.
All Arrangements made under the Licence must be annotated with the title of the Musical Work, the name of the composer of the Musical Work, the name of the author of any associated lyrics, the name of the publisher (if known), the name of the arranger, and a note as follows:
“Arrangement made under PMLL Licence for use at (name of School and post code to be inserted here)”
The licence does not cover the making of the recordings themselves. If you were recording a performance and transferring this onto e.g. a DVD you would need licence from MCPS. This can be obtained from via CEFM.
If you are uploading the recording to a social media platform e.g. YouTube this may already be covered by a licence . You should contact PRS for Music to check You can use copies made under the licence while making such recordings provided that the recording is being made as part of school activity.
The scheme covers all printed music sold or distributed in the UK, except specifically excluded publications which are listed here. Schools wishing to copy material on this list can only do so with the express permission of the publisher.
The licence covers printed music publications which are described as:
“Published editions being graphic representations of Musical Works and/or any associated words or lyrics, printed on paper, including musical scores and/or parts, diagrammatic representations, tablature and other ways of representing musical sound and any editorial notes, historical notes or commentaries or other text included in the said published editions. For the avoidance of doubt this does not include Excluded Printed Music Publications, sound recordings neither does it include publications which are made available digitally and subsequently printed by any person.”
Text books made up primarily of text but containing musical examples are not Printed Music Publications. In order to make copies of these you would need to obtain a licence form the CLA (Copyright Licensing Agency).
Under the terms of the licence photocopies or arrangements should be destroyed at the end of each academic year. However we understand that schools may wish to keep hold of these for use with a new cohort of students. It is important in this case that you log data on your usage of this music again in the new academic year. The Every Copy Counts team will send out reminders about this each year!
Arrangements cannot be shared between schools, even if they are in the same Academy chain. Please see the relevant licence clause below:
4.8.3 Arrangements may only be used by the Licensee. They may not be passed on to other Schools or anyone else
Once a school has a licence, any member of staff can make copies or arrangements for the number of students within a class. An original copy of the music must be owned (including a pdf copy). Copies can be made by peripatetic music teachers, self-employed music teachers and teachers employed by the local Music Service or Music Education Hub, if the copies are being used on the school premises.
Copies can only be used by ‘School Members’. School members are defined by PMLL as ‘A student or member of staff of a school’.
If a professional or visiting musician visiting the school needs to photocopy or arrange a piece of purchased sheet music for use with students in the school, this is permitted. The copies would not be licensed for the musicians’ use away from the schoo
Yes. Copies of music can also be scanned and uploaded onto a VLE or similar secure network.
Copies made under the licence can be used in concerts organised by the school. They may not be used in public performances organised by private individuals or organisations other than the schools itself.
Yes, provided the school has organised the concert. See also the answer to “Does the licence cover school concerts and other public performances given by school students?”
Yes if they have been organised by the school and are part of school activities. If they are organised by a Music Service or Music Education Hub, a Music Services licence may be required.
The Licence currently only covers copying and arranging activity in schools, due to the blanket licencing agreements with the Government education departments. As private instrumental and vocal tuition takes place away from schools, it currently is not covered.
The licence covers the activities of an individual school. It does not cover copying for the purposes of taking part in activities organised at Music Hub level involving more than one school. Copies made under the licence cannot be shared between schools. For more information on the Music Services licence please contact Viki Smith at PMLL [email protected] or Music Mark (who administer the licence on behalf of PMLL) on [email protected]
No, anything to do with collected worship does not need to be reported to PMLL as it is captured in the data reporting for CCLI.
Some music publishers may be included in both the CCLI and the SPML repertoires. These are the differences:
- If the printed music is being copied for use in collective worship, the CCLI Licence is required.
- If the printed music is being copied for any other school activity, the SPML is required.
General information about the different types of copyright licences that a school may need can be found at
Yes, schools need to report on the composer’s work regardless of whether they are in the public domain or not.
Yes, the music needs to be downloaded from a legitimate source.
No this does not need to be reported.
- Out of the Ark -yes, copies/arrangements made need to be reported.
- Sing Up – yes, copies/arrangements need to be reported.
- Young Voices songbook – yes, copies/arrangements need to be reported.
- Charanga – yes, if you print music owned by Charanga and make copies of it for the class you must report this to PMLL.
You would need to check each individual purchase and the licence that comes with them for other paid for resources.
Yes, by scanning and sharing the copy with a class of students this is still counted as a copy.
No, there has not been a copy made.
If the copies are being used in the school then these copies need to reported within the school’s PMLL account.
Yes – they would need to log the copies twice via both licences.
No, text books aren’t usually covered in the SPML as they have their own copyright.
Yes. Lyrics in a song are still copyrighted and therefore can only be reproduced via direct publisher permission or a licence. We would need you to report the song, writer/composer and source of the lyrics.
Yes, as long as the after-school club is part of the school activity, i.e. it is not run by a private provider.
We don’t believe so. The licence is designed to cover most of the copying that schools already do. It is also designed so that it is clear what copying is allowed and what copying is not. Schools must own legitimately obtained copies of the music they want to copy. We understand that not every copy results in a lost sale and we want schools to be able to make the best use of the material that they buy. We think that the licence strikes a fair balance.