Overseas Revenue
PMLL currently receives revenue from 2 overseas agencies, Kopinor in Norway, and Copydan in Denmark. This for the copying of works owned by UK music publishers, which are not published in either of these countries.
Kopinor operate under extended collective licensing framework and pay monies to PMLL to remunerate UK publishers who are not represented in Norway where their works may be copied under their various licensing schemes. To facilitate the collection and distribution of the fees to the different categories of rightsholders, Kopinor conducts statistical surveys through independent consultancies.
For distribution, the surveys estimate for each licensing area:
– the breakdown among the various categories of sources and types of materials (e.g. book, sheet music etc)
– the breakdown between Norwegian and foreign materials, and between different countries.
The monies that PMLL receives from Kopinor are for the publishers’ share. Monies are paid directly to The Ivor’s Academy for the writers’ share.
PMLL distributes the monies received from Kopnior on a ‘non-data’ basis. Payments are calculated for this on an analogy basis using turnover (using an agreed definition) for print publishers and mechanical market share for rights publishers. The basis of this distribution is non-data as PMLL does not receive any line-by-line data from Kopnior on which to base distribution payments.
Copydan pay monies to PMLL where our members works are identified in their data as being copied under their various licensing schemes. They collect usage data (in a similar way) to PMLL from schools and fees are paid to PMLL based directly on the usage data that is received by Copydan.
PMLL receives information from Copydan detailing the amount each publisher should collect alongside detailed data statements. PMLL pays monies to the identified publishers directly as per the information received with no deductions