PMLL Launches New Licence for UK Amateur Choirs

The Printed Music Licensing Limited (PMLL), part of the MPA Group, is pleased to announce that it has launched its brand-new licence, the Amateur Choir Licence. Commencing on Tuesday 10th September 2019, the new licence will initially be available on a six-month trial basis. PMLL will continue to work with its members and relevant trade organisations to assess the trail scheme ahead of a planned full launch in 2020.
The trial Licence allows members of the choir to make photocopies of a certain number works (as long as the publisher is a member of the scheme) and make minor arrangements eg, change of key.
This new licence will not only protect the rights of Songwriters and Publishers but will also allow for easier access to sheet music for amateur choirs across the UK. All choirs that wish to participate will be asked to complete a short survey before and after the trial, as PMLL seeks to procure accurate usage reporting.
If you are part of an Amateur Choir or know of a choir that would like to participate please get in touch with PMLL’s General Manager Viki Smith. PMLL defines an Amateur Choir as a group of singers whose members do not get paid to rehearse or perform (although they may be reimbursed for travel and subsistence expenses), and whose main purpose is for recreational singing and performance. A professional choir pays its members for rehearsal and/or performance, whether on a freelance or salaried basis. Professional choirs are not covered by the Amateur Choir Licence.
Viki Smith, PMLL General Manager says ‘‘I am thrilled to be extending PMLL’s services to amateur choirs across the UK. The extensive repertoire controlled by PMLL’s Membership will provide a diverse range of music to choirs who may not have been able to access it before. I look forward to seeing how this new licence can transform the musical landscape within the UK.’’
Find out more and apply via the PMLL website here.